Maple Conference 2022

A Demonstration of the Maple package tensorAddOns by Jason M. Osborne.
For additional technical detail please see the post tensorAddOns.

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 03, 2024 - 12:28:44.

The Goal: In Maple As On Paper

(left) Matrix Multiplication in Tensor Notation (right) New tensorAddOns Functionality CreateTensor, DescribeTensor, and MatrixView (Note: prod is existing, but deprecated, functionality of the package tensor)(left) Matrix Multiplication in Tensor Notation (right) New tensorAddOns Functionality CreateTensor, DescribeTensor, and MatrixView (Note: prod is existing, but deprecated, functionality of the package tensor)

Figure 1: (left) Matrix Multiplication in Tensor Notation (right) New tensorAddOns Functionality CreateTensor, DescribeTensor, and MatrixView (Note: prod is existing, but deprecated, functionality of the package tensor)

What is… A Tensor

Think of a Tensor as a Storage Mechanism for Higher Dimensional Data

Figure 2: Think of a Tensor as a Storage Mechanism for Higher Dimensional Data

The Process: Maple Computations Then (Transport) Visualization

(left) Correct Maple Computations are the Most Important (right) Export Maple Output for Application and Visualization

Figure 3: (left) Correct Maple Computations are the Most Important (right) Export Maple Output for Application and Visualization

Math Motivation and Coding Philosophy: Gauss to Riemann Curvature

Gauss Curvature Illustration: A Ratio of AreasGauss Curvature Illustration: A Ratio of Areas

Figure 4: Gauss Curvature Illustration: A Ratio of Areas

Gauss Curvature as an Animated Graphic Novel: Find “A Curvature Story” on Apple Books ( Curvature as an Animated Graphic Novel: Find “A Curvature Story” on Apple Books ( Curvature as an Animated Graphic Novel: Find “A Curvature Story” on Apple Books (

Figure 5: Gauss Curvature as an Animated Graphic Novel: Find “A Curvature Story” on Apple Books (

Screenshots from tensorAddOns[RiemannCurvatureOnSurface] and tensorAddOns[SurfaceData] which Shows how the Riemann Curvature Defines the Gauss Curvature.

Figure 6: Screenshots from tensorAddOns[RiemannCurvatureOnSurface] and tensorAddOns[SurfaceData] which Shows how the Riemann Curvature Defines the Gauss Curvature.

A Comparison: The Packages tensorAddOns and Physics

A tensorAddOns vs. Physics package Comparison of the Computation of the Riemann Curvature Tensor of the Schwarzschild Metric

Figure 7: A tensorAddOns vs. Physics package Comparison of the Computation of the Riemann Curvature Tensor of the Schwarzschild Metric

The Question: An Example Only tensorAddOns Can Do?

tensorAddOns Computes the Riemann and Ricci Curvature Tensors in an Orthonormal, Anholonomic Frame

Figure 8: tensorAddOns Computes the Riemann and Ricci Curvature Tensors in an Orthonormal, Anholonomic Frame

More Info: Check out our blog

  • Currently 36 functions in the package tensorAddOnsTools and tensorAddOnsComps.
  • Many documentation examples have been written that are in need of testing and demonstration.
For more technical details, see the post tensorAddOns on our blog by jason M. Osborne.

Figure 9: For more technical details, see the post tensorAddOns on our blog by jason M. Osborne.